ILD provides practical support and solutions focused on short and long-term workplace transformation.|Our strategies aid in professional AND personal development, designed to unleash the potential of your workforce.
Key Development Areas
We take a holistic approach to strengthening your organization through leadership, staff, and personal development.
Leadership Development
Great leaders inspire positive change by empowering those around them. When communication is lacking, important information can be misinterpreted and relationships suffer, creating barriers to organizational success. Effective communication is essential to break down silos, gain trust, align efforts, and create efficient, productive and engaged teams.
Teams that communicate well work more cohesively. By collaborating they are able to resolve conflicts more effectively and complete projects more efficiently. Constructive communication allows team members to understand their roles and the roles of others. It also promotes a better understanding and appreciation for the value that each team member brings to the table.
Effective communication skills enable individuals to more easily converse with the people in their lives – coworkers, peers, family, and friends. Strong interpersonal communication deepens relationships and increases emotional intelligence. Individuals who learn to communicate effectively are often more engaged and productive in their professional and personal lives.
Coaching | Training | Consulting
ILD helps organizations across industries adapt and evolve. With over 30 years of experience, we have partnered with organizations to guide successful change management, develop leaders, and improve workplace communication and culture.
Unlock potential and maximize personal performance. Work with a certified leadership coach to develop a strategy for reaching your personal or professional goals.
Develop skills and knowledge for optimal performance. Increase team productivity, manage stress, and clarify communication through our extensive training curriculum.
What is Your Communication Style?
Is Your Team Missing Deadlines?
Is Rework & Low Productivity an Ongoing Concern?
Are Interpersonal Conflicts Impeding Your Organization's Success?
The key to a productive and collaborative workforce is recognizing we each process and convey information differently based on our individual communication styles.
Committed to Client Success
“Once I started speaking to my boss from her communication style, our relationship changed dramatically. Within two months, I received a $5000 bonus!”
"I have had the privilege of working with ILD for the past eight years, contracting their expert coaches to work with 240 plus individuals. I highly recommend and fully endorse the ILD coaching program."
"I can say without hesitation that your training has had a positive impact on our co-workers and our ability to better serve our customers, the citizenry.”
"Understanding my communication style and others that I work with changed my relationships 180 degrees."
Everyone Is a JERK to Someone, Every Day
Painless Ways to Improve Communication with Individuals and Teams
Written by Rebecca M. Rhodes
Who Sounds More Like a Jerk to You?
Someone who hangs up before you are done talking.
Someone who stares out the window when you are speaking.
Someone who won’t let you forget your past mistakes.
Someone who justifies everything in response to a question.
We tend to judge ourselves by our intentions, while judging others by their actions. This often leads us to one thought... “Jerk!”
In Everyone Is a Jerk to Someone Every Day, communication expert and ILD President, Rebecca Rhodes, uses the Breakthrough Communication Model to explain how perceptions lead to misunderstandings that can be easily avoided.